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Invoice information
Where do I submit my invoice?
Do you work for Flagship Amsterdam (boat tours)? Send your invoice at the end of the month (in pdf format) to invoices@flagshipamsterdam.com.
Do you work for Amsterdam Boat Experience (private tours)? Send an invoice at the end of the month (in pdf format) to Invoices@amsterdamboatexperience.com.
Please note: Do you have questions about your invoive or payment? Email to finance@flagshipamsterdam.com (not to the email adresses mentioned above).
Your invoice will be paid within 14 days.
Do you work for Amsterdam Boat Experience (private tours)? Send an invoice at the end of the month (in pdf format) to Invoices@amsterdamboatexperience.com.
Please note: Do you have questions about your invoive or payment? Email to finance@flagshipamsterdam.com (not to the email adresses mentioned above).
Your invoice will be paid within 14 days.
When do I send my invoice?
On or after your last working day of the month. You can only invoice once a month. Weekly invoicing is not permitted.
When will my invoice be paid?
Your invoice will be paid two weeks after you send your invoice.
Ik am working in the morning for Flagship Amsterdam and in the afternoon for Amsterdam Boat Experience. How do I invoice?
In case you work for Flagship Amsterdam & Amsterdam Boat experience during the same day, you need to make two invoices.
Any time that needs to be bridged inbetween, must be split between both companies.
Any time that needs to be bridged inbetween, must be split between both companies.
Invoice example
It is important that you specify your working days per day with times and (if applicable) the name of the boat you worked on.
Please note: Always include your own full name on the invoice (besides your company name)
You can also include your F&B bonus on the invoice. Since the bonus is calculated one month later, you can invoice your bonus on next months invoice (so the bonus from May on the invoice of June).
More information about the bonus and where you can find the overviews can be found on the Intranet page 'Bonuses'
Please note: Always include your own full name on the invoice (besides your company name)
You can also include your F&B bonus on the invoice. Since the bonus is calculated one month later, you can invoice your bonus on next months invoice (so the bonus from May on the invoice of June).
More information about the bonus and where you can find the overviews can be found on the Intranet page 'Bonuses'
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Flagship Academy
We help new and current employees of Flagship Amsterdam and Amsterdam Boat Experience get the most out of their job.
Academy: academy@flagshipamsterdam.com
HR: hr@flagshipamsterdam.com
Finance: finance@flagshipamsterdam.com
Planning: +31 6 38932886 (WhatsApp)
HR: hr@flagshipamsterdam.com
Finance: finance@flagshipamsterdam.com
Planning: +31 6 38932886 (WhatsApp)
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